About Metasploit

 Metasploit Uses and Benefits

visual that shows the modules metasploit provides you with

All you need to use Metasploit once it’s installed is to obtain information about the target either through port scanning, OS fingerprinting or using a vulnerability scanner to find a way into the network. Then, it’s just a simple matter of selecting an exploit and your payload. In this context, an exploit is a means of identifying a weakness in your choice of increasingly harder to defend networks or system and taking advantage of that flaw to gain entry.

The framework is constructed of various models and interfaces, which include msfconsole interactive curses, msfcli to alls msf functions from the terminal/cmd, the Armitag graphical Java tool that’s used to integrate with MSF, and the Metasploit Community Web Interface that supports remote pen testing.

White hat testers trying to locate or learn from black hats and hackers should be aware that they don’t typically roll out an announcement that they’re Metasploiting. This secretive bunch likes to operate through virtual private network tunnels to mask their IP address, and many use a dedicated VPS as well to avoid interruptions that commonly plague many shared hosting providers. These two privacy tools are also a good idea for white hats who intend to step into the world of exploits and pen testing with Metasploit.

As mentioned above, Metasploit provides you with exploits, payloads, auxiliary functions, encoders, listeners, shellcode, post-exploitation code and nops.

You can obtain a Metasploit Pro Specialist Certification online to become a credentialed pen-tester. The passing score to obtain the certification is 80 percent, and the open book exam takes about two hours. It costs $195, and you can print your certificate out once you’re approved.

Prior to the exam, it’s recommended that you take the Metasploit training course and have proficiency or working knowledge:

    Windows and Linux OS
    Network protocols
    Vulnerability management systems
    Basic pen testing concepts

Obtaining this credential is a desirable achievement for anyone who wants to become a marketable pen-tester or security analyst.

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